Embrace a journey of faith and commitment with Christian Action for Renewal and Development (CARD). By becoming a member, you join a compassionate community focused on enriching lives and empowering the most vulnerable—our beloved seniors and vibrant youth.
By becoming a member, you are answering a call to serve humanity, embodying the essence of compassion and faith in action. Your membership means more than just being a part of an organization; it is a commitment to:
At C.A.R.D., we endeavor to create a nurturing and fulfilling environment for seniors, focusing on:
To mold our youth into responsible and active members of society, C.A.R.D. is dedicated to:
We encourage members to be active participants, contributing their time, skills, and resources in alignment with our mission and values. As we uphold the dignity of every individual, we seek members who are passionate about creating a more inclusive and compassionate world.
For additional information, feel free to reach out to us at:
Since 1999, CARD has been throwing open the doors for Seniors and Youths, becoming a refuge of hope and service in the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area, fueled by the steadfast faith and commitment of our members. By joining, you become a pivotal part of our ongoing mission, reaching out to seniors and youths with love, ensuring they live healthy, productive lives, deeply rooted in faith and mutual respect.
Let’s walk hand in hand to further the mission of Christian Action for Renewal and Development, sowing seeds of compassion, renewal, and enduring change. Welcome to our family!
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